Saturday 20 February 2010

Classic Coren

"I'm joined, in the commentary box, by a man who's won more titles than I've had hot dinners, and I've got a compulsive eating disorder!"
Introducing Roland De Wolfe.

"Bolton is an industrial centre once more... after three days of hard graft."
Referring to the length of the tournament, the 'grind' of sitting at a card table for three days seemingly being comparable to the relentless drum of the production line or the clamour of steel plates being banged and shaped in the glowing inferno of the foundry.

"He's praying for crabs. Which men usually don't."
De Cruz all in with A3 versus AJ with only one card to come. For the reference of non pokerplayers, crabs are another name for 'threes' - De Cruz needed to catch a three to make a pair. For the reference of people who don't have sex, crabs is a slang term for pubic lice, usually transmitted through sexual contact.

All from the coverage of the GUKPT 2007 Bolton

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